Anthony Miles is a character role-played by WarbreakerTV.
General Description[]
Anthony Miles is an aspiring Businessman. He maintains a clean record and works towards owning a Business in Los Santos
- Hey how ya doin'?
- You know what I mean?
Meth Production
During the month of June 2021, Miles worked with other members of The Dirty Boys in the research, production, and purification process of Methamphetamine. Seeking a foundation in the city, Miles helped found the gang and is currently working as a silent member.
Lockpick Manufacturing Currently ongoing in the month of July 2021, Miles is working hard on capitalizing the market to extend his assets and further progress to his Business Goals. Jumping in on the Lockpick market early and pushing product on the consumers, Miles had enough cash flow to purchase his vehicles, and mansion. Later in the month he opened and started operating Mama Mia's Pizzeria and Los Santos Tarot in the Vendor Marketplace.
Property - Mansion
Property - Warehouse
Vehicle - Bati
Vehicle - Buffalo