The Clown Mafia is a group of 6-8 individuals brought together by Happy "The Clown" (formally Ghost) of the Ballas/The Families and Dave Jones (ex-Balla). The known members are currently: Dave Jones, Happy "The Clown", Sleepy (Double Z), Dopey (Chang), and Stabby - the rest remain unknown or are only affiliated with the group. The Clown Mafia (TCM) are not centered around the south side and make it a statement that they are not a gang and do not affiliate in gang activities. They officially formed sometime before September 2021.
TCM has a strong stance regarding policing in Los Santos and believe that unfair activities and over-control contribute to the state of violence in the city. Psychological warfare is a main source of tactic used by the known members, only resorting to violence when needed.
The crew is known to back many Farmers Market businesses, while secretly owning and operating others of their own. They are known for their over-theatrics while meeting with other groups and tend to create an uneasy environment for reasons unknown. Each clown wears their own distinct mask, while Happy tends to switch them occasionally depending on his mood/mental stability.
Clown Mafia has been seen in both Purple and Orange County.