Gulag Gang, also known as "GG", is a group formed by Jean Paul with his old city friends Mickey S (Up Good Michael), Randy Bullet (Roundy Buffet), Mari Posa (Maria Poser) as well as Curtis Swoleroid, Taco Prince, and Ming Jingtai after being deported from the main city to do criminal activities, heists, shootouts and taking over the city. While some members were going by their alter egos, others were operating under different names. Their connection from the gated city with Jean Paul brought them together in the early days of the purple county to set themselves as the ruling gang. They are also notorious for being the first group ever to succeed at the max-security lower vault heist, led by Jean Paul & the Vespucci Yacht Puzzle.
General Information[]
Composed of far the most talented criminals, the group consists of elite shooters who have already wiped out the PD several times in the city. Legendary drivers such as Ming, hackers such as X & Randy makes the crew very versatile in any situation. Taking over many banks around the city, two members of the gang successfully cleared and bypassed the whole vault by themselves (Jean Paul, Randy Bullet), making them the only group with the ability to rob the largest bank in the city.
Calling this city a "Gulag", the group of individuals seeks to only do high-tier crime, the group already had attempted multiple banks around the city and confronted many times the Los Angeles Police Department during several shootouts.
Gulag Gang currently owns Burger Shot under Jean Paul's leadership and is also known for their "Recycling Cartel" by which they have monopolized the sanitation scene by employing many grinders in the city to supply them with thousands of materials to craft high tier criminal equipment.
GG also has a motto of never leaving a corrade behind and going to extremes to save their members if they are in trouble with the police. They are notorious for saving each other multiple times if they get sent to the hospital or LSPD, and for holding the cop's hostage or wiping them to save a teammate.
They also tend to tweet "GGEZ" after doing a successful job.
The GG is currently deep into meth production. Under the Grindfather’s teachings, they have been taught how to make batches of meth correctly. X is also using several of his workers at Boorgir Shot to produce more meth in the public meth labs autonomously. They are currently waiting for the meth to dry so they can have an idea in how to make the purest product and push it around the city. This has played a major part in the Meth Conflict.
-Whole of Little Seoul & most of Downtown Pillbox.