NoPixel Public Wiki


  • (Main) Outto-Tune Tyrone/OTT / (Public) Outto-Tune Tyrone: Reunited with X at the pier in the new city, he got hired to help with cash temporarily.
  • Tyrone Johnson (aka Monkey): Monkey showed up with X's dongle and as been a great partner in crime with X.
  • (Main) Randy Bullet / (Public) Randy Buffet: Reunited with X at Burgershot. After X failed to realize who he was, Randy told him what happened to his body and how sad he was when X left the main city. They went back to their old scamlord days and Randy asked for $50 interview fee (when there wasn't one to begin with). They did a PD wipe-out and many Banks together.
  • Ming Jingtai: Jean was approached by Vinny and told him to teach Ming the ropes of Crime. Ming have been a legend among the streets years ago for his insane driving skills and was the progenitor for many escape plans during his time in the main city years ago. Impressing X very much, he decided that Ming is his go-to driving partner. They are both a notorious heist duo robbing banks all day long and Ming is known for toying with cops to the point where he escapes the PD and X decides to show mercy on cops so they comeback and give them another shot of catching them.
  • Maria Poser: After X saw her tweet on Twatter, he began to be curious about who she was due to the similarities that she had with his old friend Mari Posa. Maria Poser called him and he asked her about who she was and how she had similarities with his old friend. She told him to "replace" her and start a new "friendship" with her. They are currently "just friends".
  • (Main) Mickey S. / (Public) Michael S. (Mickey): Mickey showed up around the same time as Randy, and has been an absolute nuisance to X but X really does like Mickey deep down
  • (Main) Vinny Pistone / (Public) Vinny Pistone: Vinny came up to X to show Ming a partner he used to have, and told X to show Ming the ropes of being a criminal.
  • (Main) Al Saab: Jean and "El Sabob" / "Sabob" (as X calls him) first met along with Randy and Mickey to plan for a green heist. However, X (due to the fact that he is very rich in resources) had the idea to go straight for the main city vault. He bought the two red laptops and made the thermites on his own. Saab finds X to be very energetic and fun to be around
  • (Main) Curtis Swoleriod / (Public) Curtis Swoleroid: He tagged along with X, Monkey, and Ming in grinding materials, making meth, and robbing banks.
  • (Main) Tessa Lamb / (Public) Tessa Lamb: Tessa asked X on how to steal a car but when she met him, he's doing a bank job and got caught later on. After getting out of prison, X met Tessa outside the boilingbrook and took her to the grandmas to show her the crafting table. He gave her a sledgehammer and later on they both went to do a Park Ranger scam with Mickey S. and Maria Poser where they pulling over people and steal their stuff.


Government Departments

Gangs / Criminal Organizations

Employees Relationships

  • Marty Shanty: Got hired as a manager for Burger Shot, later on getting promoted to General Manager, and has proven that he is doing an excellent job.
  • Tut Orial Bot: Jean sees potential in this robot.
  • Wolferson Johnson: A employee that X has weed affiliation with
  • Jaryn: On paper Jaryn Holt is Jean Paul's Girlfriend for legal reasons, and James Browns girlfriend. She works for him as a Employee for Burger Shot, and a Weed farmer for Jean Paul.